Monday, June 15, 2009

Cloudy with a chance of Sunburn

Today was overcast all day. However, that did not prevent me from getting sunburned. I think I am whiter than Conan O'Brien. All over campus, the children were wondering what that delicious smell was, only to discover that it was the pasty white American smoldering in the heat.

The most interesting part of today was that it offered the first opportunity for me to navigate the streets. The streets have essentially three lanes in the high traffic areas. The rightmost lane in the street is for scooters and bikes, and the others are for cars. However, with the relaxed traffic laws, the first couple of lanes are a crazy mix of bikes, scooters, and cars. I am still not yet fully comfortable going down the road on the bike in some of the busier sections. Left hand turns are also kind of nerve wracking. I would explain more but the sleeping pills I took tonight are starting to kick in. I woke up at 5 this morning and I don't want that to happen again. I'm sure the more I am on the streets by myself, the more I can explain. Until then, enjoy your Monday. I know I did.

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