Monday, July 27, 2009
The 37 Hour Day
My day started early this morning. I woke up at 5:45 and took a nice lukewarm shower in the hostel bathroom. After that, I did my best not to wake up the others in my room as I took my two suitcases and backpack to checkout. Shortly thereafter, I arrived at the bus station and purchased my ticket with no problems. The first hiccup came when the guy taking tickets asked which terminal I needed to go to. My itinerary that I had printed out did not have that information on it. He asked, “mea guo (United States)?” and I responded, “dui (correct).” He then told me to go to the second terminal.
However, on the ride over I was second guessing that because I knew that the second terminal was for international departures, but the first terminal covered many Asian flights. Since my first connecting flight was in Tokyo, I thought that I might be taking off from the first terminal. Luckily, I stuck with the second terminal, which turned out to be the correct choice.
In the airport, I saw a few other Americans. After listening to a group of them talking for awhile, I decided to go over and join them. I found out that one of the guys I was sitting with took 4th place in the power-lifting competition at the World Games. It explained the massive upper-body that the guy had. One of the other guys worked on the medical staff at the events. I am really mad that I never got a picture with them. They were nice guys.
On the plane, I talked to a business man who travels to Taiwan on a regular basis. One of the things that I brought up was that I had a little visit in the Philippines. His eyes started to light up and he asked, “How did you like it?” When I replied that I hated it, he asked where I had stayed. When I replied that I stayed in Manila he understood why my experience was so bad. He told me that he had done quite a bit of traveling, and Manila was without a doubt the worst city that he'd ever stayed in. However, some of the other areas in the country were some of the most beautiful that he'd ever seen. It confirmed what I already believed: to fully experience the Philippines I need to explore other areas before I can judge the place.
On the flight from Tokyo to Seattle, I sat next to a mother who visited one of her children in Japan. She was nice, but kind of weird. I was kind of happy once the movies started so I could watch those instead of talking to her. Still, there are much worse passengers to sit by on an 8+ hour flight.
Upon arrival in Seattle, I discovered that my flight to Chicago had been delayed. There was a mechanical problem on the flight before mine, and the plane hadn't even arrived yet. It made me very antsy because my connection in Chicago was only 40 minutes to begin with. By the time we departed, it was at least 40 minutes past schedule.
When we landed, I borrowed the phone of the woman sitting next to me to make a call to Emilie. I told her that I was likely going to miss the flight, as the departure time was about 5 minutes away when I called. She gave me a glimmer of hope when she told me that the flight to Kansas City had been delayed an hour. However, after running to the gate, I discovered that the plane had already left. I would have to wait an additional 3 hours to get home.
It was at this point that I had one of my “Welcome to America” moments. I needed to call home to inform everyone of the flight change. Since Emilie and I traded phones for the summer, mine was only good in Taiwan. I walked up to the last group of people waiting in line at the customer service desk and asked if I could borrow one of their phones. One of the men reluctantly agreed. After a quick call I gave back the phone and thanked him. His response was like I had burdened him a great deal by using his phone. I thought about the woman the previous day that helped me find the hostel and realized that I was now back into a different environment.
Once I finally boarded the last plane, I took my seat next to two girls about the same age. I found out that they were arriving home after a couple of months in Ukraine. They described the process of constantly being interrogated there because there is little reason for Americans to ever want to travel to Ukraine. They said that they could tell they were back in the United States because the people here were so much nicer then in Ukraine. I laughed and explained that I knew I was back in the US because people here were so much meaner to me. They gave me one more reason to not want to travel to Ukraine.
After all of the adventures, about 28 hours later, I finally made it...home.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Last Day in Taipei
July 26
Today I had my journey from Kaohsiung to Taipei to prepare for my flight back to America tomorrow. When I woke up, I still had no plans on where I would stay in the evening. I had talked to Sabina (Indonesia) and she said she had a friend that lived in Taipei I might be able to stay with. In the morning, I found out that her friend was out of the area, and that would not be an option. Luckily, I talked to some other staff members and they were able to help me find a cheap hostel that was also really close to the train station.
Leaving Wenzao was really weird. When each group of people left the school, a group of the other students would help to send them off. However, I was the last student from the Wenzao program to leave. Once one of the staff called a taxi for me, I began my journey by walking to the back entrance of the school by myself. It was an eerie feeling and it made me realize how little time I really have left in Taiwan.
Upon arrival in Taipei, I had some problems finding my hostel. At the train station, I talked to the information desk and they showed me what to do, but I still had a few problems. After walking around the area I knew was close to the hostel, I still couldn't find it. I stopped and put down the luggage that I was dragging down the sidewalk. After trying to see if I could get any visual clues for about a minute, a woman came up to me and asked me in English if I needed any help. I showed her the address I was looking for, and she said she would walk me to it. Luckily, it was just right around the corner. Not only did she walk me to the building, but she even went up the elevator to the floor I needed, just to make sure that everything was alright. Can you imagine many people doing the same thing in the US? The Taiwanese are easily the most hospitable people that I've met in my life.
After I got settled at the hostel, I called Sabina and tried to arrange plans for the evening. We settled on meeting at the Taipei 101 at 7:30. I decided to take a nap and just relax for the rest of the afternoon until then. A left for the Taipei 101 a little bit earlier than I needed to because I wanted to run by the bus station to see what I would need to do in the morning. One of the disadvantages of Taipei is that the airport is actually a little bit south of the city. In order to get to the airport, the most common way is to take a 45 minute bus ride. Since I need to leave so early in the morning, I wanted to make sure that I knew how to find everything ahead of time. Luckily, the signs were easily readable, and I am confident that I will make it to the airport tomorrow.
The journey to the 101 made me realize how much different traveling alone is than traveling with friends. Especially in an overcrowded city like Taipei, walking alone amongst all of the people can make you feel very insignificant. Once I made it successfully to the 101, I still had 30 minutes to burn. Even in the world's tallest building, filling those 30 minutes seemed to last forever.
When Sabina arrived, she had brought a friend with her. I was thinking that we were going to eat together, but found out that they'd already eaten. However, they were nice enough to join me in the food court while I ate. We had a nice discussion, and it helped ease my nerves of the traveling I have to do in the morning.
After dinner, they took me to a night market close by, where we sat down for some drinks. I had the last mango smoothie I will have for quite some time. It was well worth it. We also did a little bit of shopping for any last minute souvenirs, but I couldn't find anything worth purchasing. After that, Sabina helped me get back to the MRT station and I was on my own for the rest of my time on the island.
Back at the hostel, I spent a little bit of time interacting with a couple of my roommates for the night. One of them was a Korean high schooler that spoke decent English. He explained that he had spent the last two weeks traveling the island with nothing but a backpack of supplies. He only brought one pair of jeans, and each night would turn them inside-out to let them air out overnight before he would put them back on in the morning. It was pretty awesome to hear him describe the process.
The other guy that I talked to was a man from Kaohsiung. Unfortunately, his English was about as good as my Chinese. We ended up using his computer to translate for us. It was during this painstakingly slow process that made me realize how much I really want to learn Chinese. It really bothers me that I am only able to speak one language. Hopefully, within a few years I can become fluent in another language. Well, it's off to bed for me. See you in America!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Rugby 7s
July 25
When I originally booked my flight to
I ended up going with Christine, one of the girls from
My favorite part was getting to root for the Americans. When I bought the tickets, I didn’t think that the Americans had qualified for the competition. When I checked the schedule the night before the games I was surprised to see the inclusion of the
Following an early setback to
As the game drew near, I began to prepare by pulling out my flag and getting it ready to go. A minute later, I looked around me and noticed that there was a guy about my age doing the same thing with his
When the game began, the
That wouldn’t be all they would applaud at. Soon,
After the game, I turned into a celebrity for a few minutes. People came up to me and asked to get a picture with me. It is the first and likely the last time that there will ever be a line to get a picture taken with me. While this was going on, the American team came around to high-five people. When they came around, I gave one of them my flag. Giving a flag to a national team is something I have always thought would be fun, so I can now cross it off my bucket list early in my lifetime (hopefully).
The US-Taiwan game turned out to be the last close one, as both
For dinner, we picked up Seiko and went to a night market. We decided on a place that we were able to pick the type of meat that we wanted, along with all of the vegetables. They then cooked everything together and served it with unlimited rice and tea. It was a good dinner, and a good way to end my last day in
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Final Countdown
After breakfast, the morning activity was to break up into the four groups we had been associated with during our time here and prepare for the presentations. Each group was tasked with creating a presentation that included the Chinese that they learned as well as including experiences and culture from Taiwan. Our group decided to create a quick three scene act that included scenes of a wedding, classroom, and restaurant. These locations allowed for everyone to talk at least a little bit of Chinese.
However, while everyone else said things they learned that actually made sense, I decided to use the sentence that had been a running joke throughout the camp. So for the answer for both “What is your name” and “What would you like to eat,” my response was “I am from the United States.” While much of the language in our class was difficult to learn, for whatever reason I was able to pick up “Wo shi mea guo ren” right away.
We performed the presentations in the afternoon. Ours turned out better than I had expected it to. However, we still came short of winning the best presentation award. It’s alright though. I’m just glad that people laughed at ours.
The last organized activity of our time here was the closing ceremony. After a few speeches, we had the opportunity to eat one last meal of fresh seafood. Actually, that may have just been me. I guess everyone else lives much closer to the ocean than I do. After the meal, people from each group got to describe a little bit about their experiences. Being the only native English speaker in our group, that assignment was left to me. In hindsight, I probably should have cried. People from the next two groups after me cried quite a bit.
We also had the opportunity to watch the video that the English people had made. Their school booked all of the travel for them, and booked their return flight for earlier in the day. The staff wanted them to still to be a part of the ceremony so they recorded a short video a couple of days earlier. Somehow I was roped into interviewing them for the video. Luckily, all three of them have a good sense of humor and I was pleased that the final product turned out well.
After the event, we had the opportunity to mingle for the last time and take some pictures. Here are a few of them. Thanks to everybody there for making the event such a fun time!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Giant and Ramen Noodles
July 23
On our last day of traveling, the first stop was the Giant factory in
Between our two factory visits for the day, we encountered a problem that I am already much too familiar with. When the bus pulled off the exit ramp, the engine died. Subsequent attempts to turn it over proved to be unsuccessful. Finally after about 5 minutes, the bus finally was able to get started. We then found out that the bus was running on fumes. Luckily, we made it far enough to reach a gas station and were able to fill up. Considering the other bad luck that I’ve had on bus rides, I was ecstatic to find out that it was only a problem with gas.
The second visit brought us to the Uni-President Enterprises Corporation. The first thing we did was take a tour of the area where they manufacture ramen noodles. For the people that know how much I love ramen noodles, they would understand how excited I was to see them being made. I just wanted to hop the barrier and eat some right there. Luckily, the heat prevented me from being very hungry.
On the second part of the tour, they showed us a video basically on how their products can change the world. During the video, I discovered how much power the company had in
After the tour, we went into
After that, we had a few hours to get food. I went with Mangmang and Ms. Bao, the professor from
After another hour-long trip, we were finally back at Wenzao. I went with Mangmang for some beef noodles. I added some extra spice to them and they were quite good. I could definitely get used to the spicy food around here. My time here is getting much too short now.
Once again, thanks to Grace for the pictures. Although I did take the middle one because you can see Grace in the picture!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
On Top of Taipei
July 22
Day three of our journey brought us to the capital of the country, Taipei. It is a bustling, overcrowded city that offers plenty to do. On the trip from Yi-Lan to Taipei, we went through one of the longest tunnels in the world. I forget the name of it, but the Taiwanese claim that it was the most difficult tunnel construction project in the world. Judging from the inside of the tunnel, the results were inconclusive.
Our first stop of the day was at the Taipei 101. Unfortunately, the building didn’t open up to commercial traffic until 11:00, which meant that we had two hours before we could go inside. I followed Jake (England), Craig (England), and Beck (Taiwan) around until the building opened. We first headed over to McDonalds for some food, but I opted out of getting any. I am too close to leaving the country to be eating American fast food. I decided that I would wait until the 101 opened up and get food in the food court.
After that, we decided to go over to the City Hall, which was a few blocks away from the 101. They turned out to have a pretty interesting museum inside. It gave details of how Taipei came to be created and organized. I also learned that Tainan was the capital of Taiwan for a long time before Taipei became the capital in 1887 (I had to look up the year). The audio guides that we had were very informative.
After that, we were on our way back to the Taipei 101. Jake, Craig, and I decided to spend the NT400 to go up to the top. We found out that spectator area was only on the 88th floor and were a little disappointed by that. Overall, the experience at the top was good, not great. I thought that the view of Kaohsiung from the Kaohsiung 85 was better than Taipei from the Taipei 101 (original names, huh?). Even so, it was still pretty cool to go up the tallest completed building in the world. The best part about the top was the ability to see the wind damper. The wind damper is a 660 metric ton hunk of metal that acts as a counterbalance to stabilize the building. It is the only one in the world that is open to the public to view. I enjoyed listening to how it worked.
The tour turned out to be pretty much of a disappointment. Everybody had an earpiece, which was tuned to the leader’s microphone. However, the leader was Scott, the guy who had just turned 18 a couple of days ago. He was far from an expert in the artwork that we viewed. Instead, he gave us valuable information like, “This is written in Chinese,” “How many stamps do you see on this paper?” and “This is old.” Most importantly, he used the opportunity to recite the dirty words that the British guys had taught him over the previous weeks.
The big draw at the museum was a piece of jade carved into the shape of a cabbage. Call me crazy, but I just couldn’t get very excited over the most expensive thing shaped like a vegetable that I’d ever seen in my life. It turned out that the pieces I liked the most were the contemporary artwork that I went to look at by myself. I liked a few of them a lot.
After that, we traveled to the hotel about an hour or two south of Taipei. It was in a remote area. It would have taken a 20 minute cab ride to get to the nearest town. Dinner was provided in a restaurant in the middle of the area. I knew it would be a rough time for me when we were told that it would be a vegetarian meal.
One thing that I had learned from my time here is that my body likes meat. If it doesn’t have some, my body gets mad at me. I had not had any meat all day up to that point and now found out that I wouldn’t for the rest of the evening as well. It turned out that I spent about the same amount of time in the bathroom as I did at the table for the meal. In hindsight, I should have sprung for the McDonald’s in the morning.
The rest of the evening was spent walking around the area. It turned out that the place wasn’t like a hotel; it was like a little village with small huts as the rooms. We spent most of the evening sitting down by the pond and talking with one another. It was a good place to relax, save for the biggest moth that I’d ever seen in my life that kept flying around the light by us.
Thanks to Grace and Wikipedia for some of the images.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Mountains and Beaches and Gorges...Oh My!
July 21
Today was the second day of the four day tour of
For lunch, we had a nice box filled with nothing but pastries and a juice box. It would not have been my first choice for a boxed lunch, but I guess it did get the job done. While we were driving along the road, the scenery was incredible. Since
After looking at many empty beaches on the journey, we pulled off into a small town and went to a beach where we basically had the whole thing to ourselves. It would have been great, but it was the middle of the day and we still had another seven or so hours before we would be able to go to our hotel and take a shower. Therefore, I did not want to get into the water because it would mean that the rest of the day I would be travelling in clothing covered in salt water and sand. I may love beaches, but I hate the feeling of sand once it dries and gets everywhere. At the beginning, only the Brits decided to get into the water. Slowly but surely, more and more people started to get in. Soon, people were teaming up against others and throwing them into the sea. I knew that I eventually I would be the target of one of those attacks. Soon, it was my turn.
When I am either about to get into a fight or forced to do something I don’t want to do, I have just one strategy: run. When people started to come after me I used my speed to my advantage. They tried to get me on about five different occasions, but each time I was able to outrun the mob. However, it was still not a total victory for me. By running along the beach quickly I had tracked ocean water and sand up my shorts. So even though I never went into the ocean there, I still had to deal with the sand that had gotten on me for the rest of the day.
After we had gotten back on the road, the next part of the drive was even better than the previous. We went even higher into the mountains. At one point I looked out and saw a few clouds hanging on the side of the mountains. A few minutes later, we were at that point that I had seen and actually drove through the clouds. That was a first for me. Soon we reached our destination for the evening, Yi-Lan. Yi-Lan county is southeast of
For dinner we went to another night market. As some people I was with were waiting for food, I noticed a stand that had some fried foods. She had these things that looked kind of like real hash browns when they all stick together. I decided to get one of those, which ended up being a good decision. It tasted sort of like a funnel cake, except with potato and cinnamon flavors with it. Eating with some other people, I also had part of some sort of baozi, which was also pretty good. After looking at the food stands there, it offered better food than any of the other night markets I had visited.
When we reached our hotel, for the second straight night I was in a room that housed eight people. The room was great. There was a lounge area that had a big flat-panel television and a speaker set-up. When we got in the room, I walked into the first bedroom I happened to see, which turned out to be the master. I was able to claim the king-sized bed that was in there. It was gloriously large and comfortable. I shared it with Jake, but there was so much room on the bed that it felt like I still had the whole thing to myself. I slept well that night.
Thanks to Grace for the pictures. My camera was dead again.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Yellow Ice Cream and Waterfalls
July 20
Today was the first day on our four day long trip around the
A couple hours into the journey we took our first rest stop. One of the unique features of the rest stop was that right behind the buildings was the ocean. Before we got off the bus we were told that we were not allowed to go onto the beach. But calling it a beach might not have been the best word. When I think of a beach, I think of sand. There was no sand there. Instead, it was filled with dark gray stones that were really smooth from the water. No matter. I still was able to throw some stones into the sea before we had to get back on the bus.
After the stop, we soon went from traveling along the west coast of the island to traveling east. A few hours later we reached our first destination. It was a campground for one of the aboriginal tribes (I can't remember which one). They did a presentation, but I didn't get a lot out of it because it was all in Chinese. After another lunch of aboriginal foods we had an hour of free time to walk around the area. I wasn't too thrilled to walk around in the sun for very long, so I found a shaded area with ducks and a pond and just stayed there for a while.
The highlight of the day was easily our second destination. We stopped at a big waterfall in the middle of the mountainous area. It would have been fun enough to see the waterfall from the path, but we had the opportunity to walk across the stream and take a little path to get even closer. After our tour guide started walking across the stream, I looked around for a minute to see if we were allowed to go as well. When I realized it was OK, I took off my shoes and socks and followed him. The short trip was worth it. Within about 10 seconds I was already drenched because we were on a flat area right to the side of the waterfall and the mist was intense. Within five or ten minutes, I was cold for the first time on the trip (excluding air conditioning). But I stayed for even longer because it was a lot of fun.
After I went down from that area, I watched two native boys walking up the stream. After watching them walking up, I visualized my path and went up as well. As I was travelling up, the boys came down and I was on my own. After I went part way up, one of the helpers told me not to go any further up. But after talking with the laoshi (teacher) from
I went all the way up to the pond where the water was landing and stayed there for about ten minutes. It was great. There is something about being that close to a big waterfall that is unmatched by anything else. I took the opportunity to wash my whole body since I was already soaked, plus take the closest pictures of the waterfall out of the whole group.
Before we reached the hotel, we took a brief stop at a place known for serving unusual ice cream flavors. Three flavors I remember them offering were brandy, wasabi, and durian. Durian is infamous for its strongest scent of any fruit in the world. Pretty much nobody in the world likes the smell, even if they like the taste. Most people either love it or hate it, with most being in the latter category. Guess which flavor I got? I of course got durian, which turned out to be very average in ice cream form. The best part was convincing unsuspecting people that I had bought vanilla and letting them try a little. The looks on their faces when they discovered it was actually durian instead were priceless. Just to get a sense of how potent the smell of durian is, when I got back on the bus with only a spoonful of the ice cream left, someone a few rows ahead of me yelled, “Is that durian? Get that stuff away from me!”
For dinner, we went to another place that served aboriginal food. Correction, they served the ingredients for the food. We had to make it ourselves by crushing all of the ingredients and then adding water to create a sort of soup. After that, they brought out some other dishes. One of the things that I ate was some sort of cooked pig fat. I can’t remember exactly what it was for sure, but I remember being the only one at the table that ate any of it (and everybody else was Chinese or Taiwanese).
At the hotel (which is where we ate dinner); a few of us met with the family that owned the place and drank some tea. After we found out that one of the girls played the flute, we coaxed her to get it and play a song. Then, we mentioned that Minjae, one of the Koreans, played the ocarina. We made him go and play a couple of songs. The second song he played was the Celine Dion song from Titanic. Somehow, we ended up going into a bigger room that must normally be used for parties. Sabina (an Indonesian from Wenzao) played the guitar and Sandy (French) played the drums. We ended up singing a few songs and had some fun. Soon, more people outside heard what was going on and came in. It ended up turning into an impromptu birthday party for Scott, one of the staff members, who was turning 18. We helped him celebrate by giving him a glass of beer, a tradition that would not be legal in the
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Team America!
July 19
Today the school gave us a free day where we were able to do whatever we wanted as long as we returned back to the dorms by 10:30. Since the World Games were now underway, I wanted to make sure that I was able to watch them. The event that I chose for this day was Flying Disk, aka Ultimate Frisbee for the Americans. It was an event where I not only knew that the Americans would be playing, but favored as well. The tickets cost NT100 and covered six games, three in the morning and three in the evening. I was only able to watch two of the games because of other plans for the rest of the day. The last game of the morning session was the United States against Australia (which was also the match-up for the championship game. Yay for retro-diaries!). It was pretty fun to watch. I have to admit, those guys are a little bit better than the people I played with in Chiayi. Unfortunately, the wind in the stadium created problems for the players and prevented many long throws from being made. However, I still got to cheer for the Americans and they responded by winning the game 13-11.
After that, I met up with some of the students from China, as well as one from France. We headed over to the Kaohsiung 85, the second tallest building in Taiwan. I bet you can guess how many floors it has (No Jeremy, it's higher than 12). It was a lot of fun. The view was amazing, and Kaohsiung has many different things to look at. We ended up spending a lot of time there hanging out and talking. There were also plenty of photos taken.
Finally, as the nightcap for the day, all of the students from the Wenzao program were invited to the American athletes night at the Dream Mall. Seeing that I am American, I gladly took the opportunity to meet some of the athletes. The event was pretty good. They set out a lot of food, but by the time that I got around to getting in line for it, everything but the dessert and beer was gone. So it turned out that my dinner was a can of Texas Select. I may not be an expert on Texas beers, but if that is what Texas selected then I have no desire to try the rest of their choices.
I was able to talk to a few of the athletes. There really weren't too many of them at the program. Over half of them were the Dragon boat team, which are the ones that I ended up talking to. One of the interesting things that happened while I was there was getting interviewed. This interview was different than the other ones that I'd had. I was still carrying all of the stuff from Flying Disc, which included the American flag. I had given it to one of the Chinese girls, Jiang Lai, to wear at the American event. The two of us were talking when a woman came up to us and wanted a quick interview, apparently unaware that I was the only American she was talking to. I don't think Jiang Lai was very comfortable being interviewed in English, so the answer she gave was really short. Luckily, my wit and charm made up for her shortcomings. All in all, it was a fun and eventful day.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Arg! Cijin Island
In the afternoon one of the things we did was go to a ship-building facility. They are rated the 5th best in the world and specialize in luxury yachts. I wasn't sure whether the tour would be fun or not. It ended up being pretty bland. One of the coolest parts of the tour was the offices. They are swank. The architects designed the building like a yacht and the offices were really nice. They used some of the best furniture that I have seen. It definitely makes having a desk job there more relaxing. However, other than that, the tour itself was pretty boring.
We also went to the Cijin island. It is an island just off the coast of Kaohsiung City. We went to the beach, but were not even allowed to get on the sand. It was kind of lame. But after going to the ocean, we went to an old military fort that had some great views. They also had my favorite sign that I have ever seen there.
For dinner we went to a seafood place and it was really good. The system is simple. Each plate costs NT100 and you just order whatever you want. The portions are designed for bigger groups. Our table must have gone through at least 12 different dishes. The food was good, but still cannot compare to the meal that I had at my home stay.
After dinner we went to another night market near the island. Or on it, I'm not exactly sure. Anyways, I spent the time talking to a Chinese girl, Jiang Lai. We just walked around for awhile and went down to Love River for a few minutes before having a dessert where they use shaved ice on top of fruit with milk. It was pretty tasty.
Friday, July 17, 2009
World Games Begin!
July 16
There are aboriginal dancers in this picture, they are just hard to see
What a day! It was easily the best day that I have had since arriving here. In the afternoon, Wenzao brought in a Chinese yo-yo group. They are also known as diablos (the spell check wanted me to change that to diabetes). I saw a group a while back that came to a church. I was expecting a similar performance with these guys. Little did I know that these guys in Taiwan are the best in the world. The tricks that they performed were nothing short of spectacular. For example, one of the tricks that I liked was essentially an around the world where he only held one stick and swung around the other. With a normal yo-yo, the trick is not impressive. However, when the yo-yo is not attached to the string it becomes much better. Other tricks they did included wrapping around body parts and swinging the diablo like a mad man. After that, we were able to try it ourselves. I found out that I'm actually kind of decent with them. I am considering bringing a set back with me because it would be a fun activity to do in my free time.
While that alone would have been the highlight of pretty much any day here, it still cannot compare to the Opening Ceremony of the 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung. We were able to attend through the Wenzao program. We didn't have to pay a dime for the tickets. The show was amazing. After learning so much about the Taiwanese culture being here for this long it made the show even better. They highlighted the aboriginal groups as well as did more modern things. I liked when they did the part where a bunch of people on scooters came out because it really is part of Taiwan. Whenever I see a scooter from now on, I will instantly think of my time in Taiwan.
My favorite part was the walkout with the athletes. Since the US was one of the last countries to be called, I was very antsy to cheer for them. I was able to get an American flag through security (that's another story, I was very close to not getting it in because it was too big) and was standing up and cheering throughout the ceremony. When the US was called I screamed as loud as I could and waved the flag. I can't even count how many different people that have pictures of me doing this, because there were a lot of people that turned around and took pictures. But it was still a lot of fun. Considering how short this post is to others is kind of weird. It's just hard to describe. But it was still spectacular.
More pictures here. A slide show taken by a professional is here.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
How Many Abodiginals Do You See Modeling?
Today was yet another fun day. In the afternoon we took a trip to the Taiwan Aboriginal Park. There are something like 14 tribes native to the island, and each have many different rituals and cultures. We watched a performance of some of the cultures. The show was hit or miss as far as the individual scenes. My favorite part was actually the welcoming, where they played many different percussion instruments. I am a sucker for percussion acts.
After that we were able to explore some of the different areas in the park. One of the things that they did during the performance was use a rope swing. It was different from other swings because there are two ropes that come off the sides. The job of the person on the swing is just to sit, because two other people get on the sides of the swing and pull the person back and forth. We were able to go to an area that had one of the rope swings and I was able to go. It was really relaxing, but really taxing on the people that have to help you out. My time on the swing was probably about a minute long.
The highlight of the day was still the restaurant that we ate at afterwards. It served aboriginal food, which was alright, but that wasn't the best part. The best part was the spectacular view. We were well outside of the city of Kaohsiung, but off in the distance we were able to see some of the tall buildings. It was really cool because they have the Kaohsiung 85, which is 85 stories high. In the city it looks like a tall building, but from the distance it appears dwarf the other buildings. Closer to where we were, we were still in the middle of a mountain so the view closer was also great. As Jake was telling me, it would be a great place to throw a party and have a few drinks with friends with an amazing view.
I apologize for no pictures, especially since the whole post is about things that are best seen, but my camera batteries were depleted so I couldn't take any pictures. I will try to ask around to find some. If I am successful I will edit this post to include them.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
July 13
Today was another pretty fun day. We started off by having our first Chinese class of the second week. Things are starting to get a little bit better since we started to cover numbers and food, things that are much more practical to know than just “I am from the United States.” Still, this is a very challenging language to learn but I am trying hard to learn new words. Now when I listen to conversations in Mandarin, I try to see what words I recognize. Usually I can recognize at least a couple of them.
In the afternoon, one of the activities that we did was learn how to make tea. It sounds really simple, but there are actually quite a few steps that you need to perform. I was sitting at the same table as a girl from Japan, two Chinese, and a guy from Thailand. I joked that Americans only know how to put a teabag into a cup and add water. There are many different elements to the process. One of the cups is only used to smell the tea. One of the pots is only used to filter the tea. It was actually a lot of fun because I really enjoy hanging out with people from different cultures. Now that we've been here for a while, people are starting to get more comfortable talking to people from different areas which makes for a lot of fun.
In the evening we had a free night where we were able to go out and do whatever we want (until our 10:30 curfew of course). I went with three Koreans and a Chinese guy that teaches in Korea. He is fluent in Chinese, Korean, and English. We went to a local restaurant where the cost for each of us came to about NT45. It is so nice to eat dinner here for a little more than one US dollar.
After that I tried to get the people that were around to go out and do something. A lot of them were not too enthused, so I ended up going with a Korean guy, a Taiwanese girl, and a Korean girl. We went to a local bar that we discovered is owned by a Canadian guy that looks like he's only about 30 years old. The only problem with the place was the prices. A pitcher of the cheaper beer still ran at NT360. It's weird that the food here remains pretty cheap here no matter where you go, but some of the bars charge a substantial amount. Whatever. We split the pitcher three ways and just talked for awhile. After that we played steel-tipped darts. Apparently I was the only one who had played before, so we played a 1 v. 3 game. I would guess that I still won half of the time. After that, we went back at around 10 to meet curfew, but I ended up talking with more people 'til about 1:30 in the morning. I still can't believe how many dirty words the Brits can think of.